About the Event

The world needs evangelical Catholics—missionary disciples rooted in Christ and the Church, who bring the light of faith, hope, and love into every corner of the world.

Join a movement of normal (yet extraordinary) Catholics who are taking hold of the abundant life of Jesus. Discover how deep prayer, authentic community, and relational mission can bring joy and fruitfulness to your life and the lives of those around you. 

  • Find inspiration for becoming fully alive in your lay vocation
  • Refocus on what’s most important 
  • Be refreshed in your life with God
  • Identify your unique mission in the world
  • Create a plan for a lifetime of missionary discipleship 
  • Connect with other evangelical Catholics 

Location Information

  • October 18th 2024 from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM EDTOctober 19th 2024 from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM EDT
  • St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
  • 12807 Valleywood Drive, Lake Ridge, VA, 22192 US


Jason Simon President, The Evangelical Catholic

André Lesperance Senior Content Creator, The Evangelical Catholic

Josh Dart Lead Consultant, The Evangelical Catholic

Friday, October 18

6:30 PMCheck-In and Registration

7:00 PMOpening Session

8:30 PMAdoration with Music

9:30 PMSocial Time (Optional)

Saturday, October 19

9:00 AMGeneral Session

11:30 AMBreak-Out Sessions

12:30 PMLunch (not provided)

2:00 PMGeneral Session

3:00 PMSmall Community Discussions

4:00 PMClosing Session

4:40 PMEnd

5:00 PMVigil Mass

Mass with the parish community at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church

  • You will be able to register multiple participants attending together below.

  • This option is for those registering the same day as the event.

  • I understand that sessions during the conference may be recorded or photographed. I grant permission for the Evangelical Catholic to use videos or photographs of me for educational purposes or promotion for the Evangelical Catholic.

Give the gift of registration with a voucher for a friend

We will send an email with the voucher code. It will expire on October 18th, 2024.



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  • American Express
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